Three Needles Acupuncture

Benefits of TCM


Benefits of
Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM is thousands of years old and is based on the observation of nature and the physiological
processes of the body in very simplistic ways. Balance in every aspect of one's life: mind, body and spirit connectedness influence and effect each other.  With TCM, every aspect is addressed for a thorough
and comprehensive treatment to benefit the patient.  This is completed with a thorough examination
of your lifestyle and needs.  Your diagnosis is specific to your constitution. Traditional Chinese Medicine can help bring homeostasis back to the body.

How TCM Can help You:

Stress management, Anxiety, Irritability and PMS - life is busy and fast.  Acupuncture is wonderful to alleviate stress and manage anxiety. Acupuncture with lifestyle modifications can help you through difficult times.

Digestive Concerns, Weight Loss or Weight Gain, Nausea & vomiting

Pain Management, Muscle Aches & Pains: back Pain, cervicalgia, sciatica, tennis and golfer's elbow, knee pain, periarthritis in the shoulder, postoperative pain

Pre & Post Surgery Treatment


Headaches: dental pain, sinus pressure

Allergies and Sinus problems


Pregnancy: morning sickness

Hypertension & hypotension

Adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized Acupuncture
in assisting the healing process with various clinical trials in the following article,


  •             Protecting the body against infections

  •             Regulating various physiological functions.

  •             Reduces inflammation by promoting circulation


If you have additional questions on how TCM may help you, please call.